Winter  Spirit Spa -2025

Jan 23-26, 2025
Back Up dates: Feb 20-23 
early commitment is not a bad idea!!!
20-max openings available
Go here to GET a SPOT!

FOCUS Quote to Chew on...
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”

Pema Chödrön, The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times

2025 Retreat will be held at Scandinavian Lodge
on the quiet side of Door County, Sister Bay, WI

The Spirit Spa Retreat, held annually, 

is a reflective retreat experience 
for women who desire to experience 
and participate in a circle of community. 

The retreat includes times of quiet,
reflection and guided sessions.
Opportunities for written 
and or visual expression 
are encouraged to engage more deeply
 in the process. 

Time is also provided to practice 
for body, mind and spirit!
Whirlpools, swimming, hot tub, 
exercise room,outdoor walks, rest, 
relaxed meals, conversations, 

reflection time and laughter are encouraged.

Thursday*: Night of Camaraderie 
An informal time 
to gather and become 

acquainted or re-aquainted,
while sharing an array of finger foods 
and liquid refreshments.

Be prepared to laugh till you ache!
and no additional charge for Thursday arrival.

The actual retreat begins 
Friday with 11:30 AM Lunch

Returning Massage "PERK"
Onsite Massage sessions with Carol Edmond CMT
Massage Sessions-1 hour 
Pre-Sign Up (Paid to Therapist by cash or check at event) 

Another Pampering "PERK" in process...
"if and when" it materialized You'll see it here! 

Participants have a private room 
in a shared suite 
with fireplace, kitchen, living room,
WiFi, 2 full baths 1 with a whirlpool.

Meals and Snacks
information forthcoming after registration

Cost: $390.00 - $460.00 
(You slide the fee according to your ability to pay)
Payment plan available. 
Please inquire individually. 
Fee Covers...lodging, private room, private bath 
shared suite with fireplace, retreat facilitators stipend, 
conference room, use of facilities, pool, sauna, hot tub, 
 and materials provided for the retreat. 

Remember no added fee for Thursday arrival
For Reservations
 Inquire here contact Sr.Stella (

Payment Schedule and Cancellation Policy for SPA 2025
   Self Sliding Scale ($390-$460)
Jan. 1, 2025  - $150 Deposit or Full Fee Due

Cancelation Policy: 
If cancelled by: Midnight 1/8 – 1/2  deposit refunded
After Midnight 1/8 – Full deposit forfeited
Balance Due by 1/15
(Unless utilizing pre-arranged payment plan)

Cancelation/refund exceptions:  considered in case of (serious illness/ hospitalizations) 

Spirit Spa 2024
 "Finding Wisdom on the Road of Life"

“Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups, 
and downs, but that’s its beauty.”
 ~ Amit Ray

2024 Retreat is held at Scandinavian Lodge
on the quiet side of Door County, Sister Bay, WI

Contact: Stella DeVenuta, OSF for more information 
or to make your reservation

Stella is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi,
 a certified spiritual guide-director, educator, artist, 
retreat leader, creative process consultant and
a Boundless Compassion facilitator.

Spirit Spa 2023

   Crossing the River...

This retreat experience is for "Soul-Seekers" willing to dive deep,
Explore the river, go with the flow and  break open a Sacred space
of "Spirit and Story".

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretence and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” ― Maya Angelou

Spirit Spa -Winter 2022

~Fire Within~

"A blazing fire makes flame and brightness
out of everything that is thrown 
into it."

~Marcus Aurelius~

This retreat experience is for "Soul-Seekers"
Willing to fan the Flames and tend the Ember-the Flicker-

the Sparks that Ignite the Inner Spirit.

Location: Scandinavian Lodge
Sister Bay, Door County, WI.

Mar. (10) 11-13, 2022  

                                      Spirit Spa Winter 2021

" Words of Wisdom that Feed the Soul"
What feeds the "Story" of your Precious Soul?

“To me, art begets art. Painting feeds the eye
just as poetry feeds the ear, which is to say
that both feed the soul.”
—Susan Vreeland

Come "play" with "words" and unravel your inner wisdom!

(quiet, input, creative process, community, shared downtime)

Personal Reflection using playful "word crafting" 
will highlight the retreat.  
So, what words will feed,the "story" of your Precious Soul?

Scandinavian Lodge is located
on the quiet side of  Door County, in Sister Bay, WI
This weekend will provide  participants
to dig into their memory and experience
for the words to poetically uncover
and craft the inner wisdom of
their "one wild" and "precious" life
  This experience requires attentiveness
and willingness to listen deeply
 to Spirit through an open heart.

Stella DeVenuta, OSF
SanctaStar Oasis

Location: Juniper Court LL
3209 S Lake Drive
Saint Francis, WI 53235

Sr. Stella for Spiritual Direction-Companioning

(Events & Programs)
Call or Text: 414-581-4006
Mail Payments to: 
2911 East Oklahoma 
Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207

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