spiritual direction • retreats
soul circle • mandala art

" Scattering Loving Kindness: here, there and everywhere" 
NEXT Labyrinth Retreat @ Sinsinawa Mound Center
JUNE 3, 2023 ....( one Day) 
to Register and Details:

We remain in an on-going time when the peoples of our world struggle with uncertainty in meeting
basic needs of food, water, air, and shelter. In the face of escalating cruelty, violence, bigotry,
and the destruction of our natural world, we can feel inadequate to make a difference.

With intention, we will plant “seeds of compassion” to nurture and grow in a posture
of loving kindness as we walk the labyrinth using the Metta prayer as a focus and companion for the day.
Saturday, June 3, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Lunch will be provided. $75/person.
Registration ends on Monday, May 29.

For those traveling to Sinsinawa local hotel options (in Galena)
will be suggested upon registration

SanctuStar Oasis

at Sinsinawa Mound Center

                           On The Threshold of THREE...

This 3-part series involves combining lines and words. Similar to Chinese brush painting, we will create 3 effortless strokes, to evoke the essence of the 3-line verses that will emerge. Attendance at the 3 sequential sessions will enable the process to unfold. 

Participants will playfully engage their imagination using with words and their “inner” vision to give expression to the simple brush stroke images. Personal contemplation, through soul reflection, will unfold “Haiku-like” verses.
The short poetic lines will be similar to but not limited to the typical 17 Haiku syllables using 3 lines and a 5-7-5 syllabic formula.

Session One: Introduction to the process of using “3 line” verses and images as an entry into prayerful reflection

Session Two: Creation of personal “3-line” images and 3-line verse reflections

Session Three: Shared “Gallery” reflection on personal experience of creating “3-line” practice

  • Discover a tool to prompt a personal practice of visual journaling
  • Creative exploration of line and word as prayer and poetic expression
  • Highlighting “short” poetry of 3 poets
  • Engaging heart and soul for deeper reflection
  • Becoming attentive to the “teachers” that show up 
  • Art skill not needed…just an openness to creative expression

 Materials Needed: Participants provide own materials…Get ONE of the following:

  • brush and black India ink
  • brush tip black ink pen
  • brush tip black marker
  • brush and black watercolor

You will also need a small sketchbook for ink or marker (8.5 x 11” or 9 X 12”)or a supply of unlined non-bleed paper for ink or marker. NB: Each session will require approximately 10-12 sheets of paper to work on.

Wednesdays, Nov. 3, 17 & Dec. 1, (6:30 – 8:30 p.m. CDT)
You will receive the zoom link on the morning of the event.

$75 for all three sessions. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 4 p.m. CDT.

Presenter: Stella DeVenuta, OSF is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi (Milwaukee/St. Francis, WI). An artist and spiritual director, Stella is engaged in the ministry of spirituality and creativity. Since 2002, Stella has offered retreats, labyrinth reflection days, individual spiritual direction and women’s Circles. Additionally, Stella is a certified facilitator for Boundless Compassion. This is a program developed by Joyce Rupp, OSM and the Servite  Sisters. See Link for more information: https://joycerupp.com/boundless-compassion-2/


~Past Offering~
Seasons to Pause and Breathe with Compassion:
Virtual Micro-Retreat Series

From the start of pandemic time, as we continue to travel through the uncertainty of “covid-liminality,”
until we anticipate the promise of hope, we are invited to pause and consider how the 
seasons of faith 
(Ordinary time, Advent, Lent, Easter) require an attitude and practice of compassion beginning with

 fostering  individual self-compassion and embracing the reality of our shared suffering with humanity
during this unprecedented time. Through prayer and virtual presence, input, reflection and process
“Faith-Season,” will consider the Divine in ourselves and others. We will begin within our own hearts
to uncover what blocks us from becoming a healing and compassionate presence.

Saturday February 27, 2021
 Season of Letting Go: Pause & Breathe in Compassion to “Release” / 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
To register-   https://www.sinsinawa.org/moundcenter/event/pause-a-season-to-breathe-season-of-release-via-zoom/

Saturday April 10, 2021

Season of Hope: Pause & Breathe in Compassion for “Renewal” / 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
To register- https://www.sinsinawa.org/moundcenter/event/pause-a-season-to-breathe-season-of-hope-via-zoom/

Materials and a zoom link will be sent to you via email on Friday before the session.
$25/person. Registration deadline is the Thursday before the scheduled session.

Presenter: Stella DeVenuta, OSF is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi (Milwaukee/St. Francis, WI). An artist and spiritual director, Stella is engaged in the ministry of spirituality and creativity. Since 2002, Stella has offered retreats, labyrinth reflection days, individual spiritual direction and women’s Circles. Additionally, Stella is a facilitator for Boundless Compassion program developed by Joyce Rupp, OSM and the Servite Sisters.


Information: Janice DeMuth

608-748-4411, ext. 811


Registration:  https://www.sinsinawa.org/moundcenter

Due to Covid Restrictions...


Date: Nov. 6-7 2020

  “Scattering Loving-Kindness...Here,There and Everywhere”

During this Labyrinth Reflective Experience ,participants will be invited to be intentional about holding self and others with compassion during this time of global uncertainty. The labyrinth will be blended with the practices of loving-kindness through the Peace Prayer of St. Francis and Pali Metta Prayer. The practice of Metta encourages enfolding self, others and the cosmos with the energy of loving-kindness while keeping our hearts open, forgiving, merciful and loving! 

The intention of this retreat is mirrored through this Eastern wisdom:  
“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across —
unhindered,  without ill will, without enmity.” (The Buddha)

During this labyrinth journey, music, diffused essential oils, and other symbols will be used to bless the space. This retreat includes personal reflection time, journaling, sitting in silence among fellow seekers in sacred space.  A simple creativity process will be created reminding us to scatter loving kindness daily!   This offering is a time for your soul to stretch, pause, breathe, listen and offer compassion that is unreserved and far-reaching beyond oneself. (optional extra overnight available)


Bio info: Sr. Stella DeVenuta, OSF, is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis, Wisconsin. As an artist and spiritual director-guide,

stella offers retreat and reflective experiences that blend spirituality and creativity. Stella feels called to engage others to do 
explore their personal journey in a safe place. Creative expression is a threshold for entering inner sacred space and invites us to
touch the HOLY within. 

 Stella facilitates a women’s group called the “Soul Circle”, leads retreats for various faith communities, offers days of labyrinth reflection, faculty & staff retreats, women’s weekend retreats and the Winter Spirit Spa in Door County, Wisconsin.  Companioning seekers through spiritual direction - guidance is a blessing and a privilege for Stella as individuals share their sacred stories. Dreams are gestating for developing an expressive experiential retreat focused on the emotions of the Psalms and integrating components of the Boundless Compassion Program. Click on the link to learn more about Boundless compassion program (joycerupp.com)



 OCT 18-19, 2019

Self-compassion can be difficult when we do not treat ourselves with the same compassion
 as we offer to others. Self-compassion refers to relating to yourself with loving-kindness. 
We must first nurture compassion in ourselves before we can offer loving-kindness to others. 
Learnings from the Boundless Compassion work of Joyce Rupp will instill a clear vison of 
how compassion, a spiritual way of life, can change us personally and help to bring
presence and healing into the fragmented world around us.  

This short retreat is the first part of discovering the blessings of a life lived
through a heart of care and compassion for self, others and the greater universe.

A gentle ambience for personal reflection will be created through quiet, music and the use 
of essential oils to bless the space. A simple creative card deck collaging process

will provide a take home tool to use in the “daily practice” of becoming more attentive to the need for self-compassion.

As a certified Boundless Compassion Facilitator, I am honored to offer others a "doorway" to enter a space of compassion.

Friday, OCT 18, 7:30 p.m. through Saturday,OCT 19, 4:30 p.m.

Register via the link below.

Contact: Janice DeMuth-608-748-4411, ext. 811  email: jdemuth@sinsinawa.org

Stella DeVenuta, OSF
SanctaStar Oasis

Location: Juniper Court LL
3209 S Lake Drive
Saint Francis, WI 53235

Sr. Stella for Spiritual Direction-Companioning

(Events & Programs)

Call or Text: 414-581-4006
Mail Payments to: 
2911 East Oklahoma 
Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207